Unser Gast im Dezember: Amy Jean Hamilton
Amy is former head of school at Designhøjskolen Højer, which she started with the school’s first team in 2018. For almost three years before that, she was head of Idéakademiet with the focus on developing entrepreneurial growth in Southern Jutland. Here she facilitated and inspired entrepreneurs within business design, design thinking, leadership and growth.
Amy is also a co-founder of the project-school in Copenhagen, Projektakademiet, now in its tenth year. In spring 2019, she co-facilitated the founding of the cooperative consultancy, Emerging, and now holds the position of co-creating, strategic leadership consultant.
Within Emerging, she has been the project leader and lead facilitator at the 2019 leadership conference for 300 directors of Sydbank, one of Denmark’s largest banks. She was also the lead facilitator for the Global Marketing Department at Ecco, running a day of design processes with systemic theory and appreciative inquiry as the baseline.
Currently, Amy is part of the creation of the new school on the Danish island, Bornholm. The school, DEMO, will reach out to young leaders and is supported by Foreningen Folkemødet, the Danish festival of politics and democracy, and Amy will be hosting the learning space as Head of School from the new year.
Among Amy’s specialties are sustainable and transformative leadership, large group processes as well as shaping and containing strong concepts within leadership and learning.
Amy’s educational background lies with the alternative business school, Kaospilot 2007–2009. Since she is a certified systemic project-leader at Rambøll Management and has a master’s degree with the one-year program, Evocative Leadership Mastery at Ehama Inst.
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