Gute Typo­grafie erklärt den Inhalt, nicht den Gestalter.
Kurt Weidemann

München e. V.

Goethe­straße 28 Rgb.
80336 München

089.7 14 73 33


Demy­stifying Font Licensing

Joyce Ketterer
You know that you aren’t »buying« fonts but licensing them. What does that actually mean? In this workshop you will learn how font licensing works.

Wether you’re a font designer or a graphic designer who uses fonts, if you know anything about font licensing you’re probably scared of it. In this workshop with the Darden Studio CEO Joyce Ketterer, End User License Agreements (EULAs) will be discussed from both perspectives. Joyce has advised business both sides, in ever day tran­sactions and in disputes. This workshop is designed to give an overview of font licensing and prepare you approach font licensing with confidence.

Workshop held in English

— von 17.00 bis 19.00 Uhr

Ort: Designschule München
Roßmarkt 15, Raum 006 (V-Raum)
80331 München

36 € für tgm-Mitglieder und Partnerorganisationen 78 € für Nicht-Mitglieder

Max. 40 Teilnehmer:innen

verbindliche Anmeldung bis 05.6.2024


  • Read and discuss actual licenses

  • Help parti­cipants get over the fear of reading legal documents

  • Understand the different modes of font licensing

  • Basic under­standing of the idosyn­crasies of font licensing in comparison to other kinds of software and design


The goal is that parti­cipants will leave the workshop with a better under­standing and higher comfort level with font licensing.


Both customers and font makers, but everyone who deals with fonts is welcome


All knowledge levels welcome. The workshop is frankly at it’s best when we have a few graphic design students, a few font foundry owners and everyone in between.

Weitere Hinweise

No equi­pement needed but it’s best if you have your own pen.

Joyce Ketterer

Joyce Ketterer

Speaker, Font-Licensing

Dry and to the point, used for several design confe­rences: Joyce Ketterer joined Darden in 2006 and became CEO in 2016. In coope­ration with the studio’s attorney, she is responsible for writing and enforcing the studio’s Licen­sing—a task to which she brings the real world expe­rience of working directly with customers for both sales and license enfor­cement.

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Juli Gudehus

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Social Media Gestaltung mit Canva

Sophia Höretzeder

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— von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr